Rotorway Owners Group

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Ron Curry November2nd, 2014 09:03 AM

Welcome to the Original Rotorway Owners Group
The Rotorway Owners Group has been online and in continuous operation since 1999. It was the first online forum primarily focused on Rotorway Helicopters and continues to be the largest and best source of information and fellowship related to Rotorway Helicopters. Access is free and open to all. All that we require is that you register with your real name and a valid email address. Members have access to over 15 years of archives plus a large section devoted exclusively building tips and information that our donors can access as well as a private forum for our special "Inner Circle" donors.

While we are primarily focused on the Rotorway Experimental Helicopters, anyone who has an interest in helicopters is welcome.

First you must register and become a basic user. We review every registration to keep SPAM and fake registrations out and we don't get paid to do this so please be patient. We try to review new registrations daily but occasionally it takes a day or two. Basic registration gives you access to the main user forums.

Donations are what keep R.O.G. "on the air". We don't allow commercial advertising and the staff is fully volunteer. Donations pay for server space, software upgrades, periodic professional site programming and maintenance, and every once in a while there's enough left at the end of the year to buy a burger!

Donations to R.O.G. are not just a handout. If you make a donation we want you to get something for it! Any donation upgrades your account to "Membership" status. With a basic donation you'll receive a 1 year complementary R.O.G "Donating Member" Membership and access to our nearly 20 years of builder tips and information and the forum archives as well as increased disk space for photos and attachments plus more post editing capability and a few other benefits. Larger donors receive a 1 year R.O.G. "Inner Circle" Membership and get MUCH more disk space (disk space costs us money!) and extended editing and deleting capability plus full access to all content including the private "Inner Circle" Forum.

To make a donation click the "Membership" button near the top of the page and then click "Become a Member" and follow the instructions. Memberships are also called "Paid Subscriptions" in the User Control Panel (User CP) so don't let that confuse you.
Whether you plan to become a R.O.G. donor or remain simply remain a registered user, WELCOME!

To register:

To make a donation and become a donating member:

Enjoy and fly safe...

Ron Curry

Sylvain Daneault February12th, 2019 12:52 PM

Search M shaft rotor
hello i'm doing a search for a complete M rotor shaft from Al Behuncik probably sold between august 2018 and january 2019. i have the history for this tree.If anyone has any information about this topic please contact me 909daneault @ gmail .com or by texting 819-388-4168 thanks

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