

Support the Rotorway Owners Group - Become a Member!

Have you benefited by using R.O.G.? Did R.O.G. help you make a purchase decision? Has the information you've received from R.O.G. helped you with your building or flying? Have the ROG classifieds helped you sell or buy something? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then please help offset the costs of providing you these benefits by donating and becoming a member. Managing and making sure that everything runs smoothly takes time and money to maintain software and pay for web hosting. There is no other place on or off the Internet that has the breadth and depth of Rotorway information that R.O.G. has and there is no other place where you will get the tell it like it is kind of straight information you need to build and fly a safe Rotorway helicopter. Without R.O.G. you are stuck with product brochures and forums and newsletters sponsored by vendors of Rotorway parts. Many owners and prospective owners have saved thousands of dollars because of the information they've received from R.O.G. or by using the R.O.G. classified ads. Although registering and participating as a basic member in the main forums and reading the classified ads areas are free, you gain access to forum features and restricted content by making a donation and becoming a member of ROG. A donation of $50 get's you one year as a DONATING member with access to even more information such as:
  • Past archives with thousands more posts on critical building and safety topics
  • The Hints and Tips Section with hundreds of tips and secrets on building your Rotorway
  • The Rotorway Safety Section with information on secondary breakages and building and flying safety tips
  • Ability to post ads
A donation of $100 get's you one year as a basic ROG donating member PLUS access to the Inner Circle with the following benefits:
  • Access to the Tough Topics private section where owners discuss the really hard issues surrounding Rotorway, Rotorway crashes, and mechanical failures. Vendors are not allowed in this area.
  • Ability to edit AND delete your posts
  • User title of Inner Circle Member even if you are a newbe

You've already spent tens of thousands of dollars (or are planning to!) on your helicopter a $50 or $100 donation to ROG may save you thousands.

To make a donation and become a donating member payment can be made online via credit cards. This is secure and nearly instant your new and increased membership privileges are available immediately upon payment. Due to the overhead and other issues we no longer accept checks.

Click the link below to donate by credit card or your Paypal account and start your membership benefits now.


Thanks in advance for your support!

Ron Curry
Rotorway Owners Group

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