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john bell January19th, 2024 04:12 PM

RotorX website is down
The RotorX website is down. No surprise really.

FRANK KARASH January20th, 2024 08:56 AM

Re: RotorX website is down
I don't suppose that could be because they are going to post a brand new website. Could it?

john bell January20th, 2024 12:46 PM

Re: RotorX website is down
I don't know. I really wish I knew but we don't get told much except to keep waiting. They had a banner on the website that said they would get with buyers and employees in January. I've texted RotorX to see if the site would be back up or if RotorX is dead and gone and I haven't gotten a response. That was a couple days ago. I at least used to get a quick response saying they were getting financing set up. None of the folks/former employees I have talked to knew the site would be going down. If anyone has heard anything from the management at RotorX, I'd sure love it hear it...I want to hold on to some hope but I think its time to be realistic. The total lack of communication tells me what I need to know. I was one of the ardent supporters, hoping it would get turned around. But that was because I had so much invested, I suppose. Now I just need to figure out what I'm going to do.
Best wishes to all

homer bell January20th, 2024 04:08 PM

Re: RotorX website is down
John, did you get the windscreen you were promised?

john bell January21st, 2024 06:29 AM

Re: RotorX website is down
Hi Homer, nope haven't gotten it. Don promised it to me, but I've gotten only one thing after the first Group, and that was the exhaust manifold. That was in October. I went to Chandler in early June (paid in full in January last year) and picked up Group 1 and some body panels. Many parts missing though. You were right, they were high on promise, short on results. But, in all honesty, without the rest of the kit I have no need of any of it anymore. I guess I'm done. I haven't decided what I'll do with the airframe and tail boom, which I assembled and are now just taking up space in my barn. I guess I'll just keep flying the Helicycle. It's a great ship but I wanted to fly with the wife, to go places together. That aint gonna happen now. I'm pretty disgusted with the way this has gone. Maybe I will see about a Talon problem is I'm not one of the money-laden helicopter types. I saved forever to buy that Phoenix. Eh, but where there's a will there's a way, right? :smile:

john bell January21st, 2024 08:31 AM

Re: RotorX website is down
RotorX's website is back up again.

john bell January21st, 2024 08:33 AM

Re: RotorX website is down
...aaaaaand, now it's back down again.

homer bell January24th, 2024 04:16 AM

Re: RotorX website is down
I’m told it’s up now with some news about anew person appointed with something. More news to be announced January 31. ???
But at this point, I would be VERY SKEPTICAL of anything they would say. It’s going to take a long time for them to restore their credibility.

Eric Anderson February3rd, 2024 10:07 PM

Re: RotorX website is down
The announcement from the 31st is pretty much a non-announcement. The Chris Anderson, the "interim CEO" is pretty good at replying to inquiries but they are laden with corporate-speak and not informative. I think they are just stalling to buy Don some time. Time for what? I have no idea.

John, I am in the same boat as you, minus the helicycle. Sell what I have for a quick buck or hang onto it and hope? No idea really. Too bad half of us didn't start with Groups 3 and 4 while the other half, groups 1 and 2! At least then we could team up and build a handful of helicopters.

homer bell February4th, 2024 04:49 AM

Re: RotorX website is down
They wouldn’t let you do that, the expensive stuff to make is in the last groups. The big profits are in the first groups.

john bell February4th, 2024 12:57 PM

Re: RotorX website is down
Hi Eric,
I've heard they intend to start negotiations at some point to see which buyers want refunds and who wants a complete kit. I'm still worried about what engine they would furnish if the company ever does resume operations. Don said the plan is to furnish the 180 hp engine, but I'm not sure if they've gotten with Joe or not (Joe please feel free to comment if you like). To be honest, I'm getting impatient, and sure would like to have a BALLPARK time when parts might start flowing again. At this point, I'd just like to hear the timeline and if that looks realistic, maybe I could feel confident on this whole thing. But the lack of a schedule part is getting long in the tooth. I suppose I have so much in this that I still hope there is a chance. But some point I will be too old to finish it!

Eric Anderson February4th, 2024 03:16 PM

Re: RotorX website is down

Originally Posted by homer bell (Post 105686)
They wouldn’t let you do that, the expensive stuff to make is in the last groups. The big profits are in the first groups.

Yep. I really just meant it as a joke. It would be hard to install an engine without a frame!

homer bell February4th, 2024 04:09 PM

Re: RotorX website is down
I understand that . What I’m saying is the company got a lot of cash for some inexpensive parts. If they ever intended to deliver the expensive stuff remains to be seen.
There have been so many broken promises and missed deadlines I don’t see how any new leaders can come in take charge with Don still in any kind of position in a new organization. I talked briefly with Don at OK and he was full of BS at that time about how everything was ready to boom. He wanted to know if I would build kits for buyers. He expected sales to soon really go big.
If you remember some of the news releases from him and the outrageous claims he was making with the knowledge and expertise of RotorWay . Speed, range, load capacity, all dreams and wishes. Going to build these soon!!
I’ve seen some outlandish claims in this industry over my 60 years , but ,!those were some real doozies!!

Eric Anderson February4th, 2024 05:12 PM

Re: RotorX website is down
I agree Homer. Just look at it from a business perspective. It is ALL DEBT. Debt owed to us kit buyers. Debt owed to former employees in unpaid salary. Debt to ACS, building rental and so on. There will be no income. No new customers will touch this mess, especially as you say, with Don in the mix. None of this makes any sense. How is he even getting investors? Investing in what exactly?

Alex Minassian February11th, 2024 09:35 AM

Re: RotorX website is down
Website is up now and claiming too many orders to fulfill. I have group 1,2 and 3 now for the last 4 years. Waiting 2 years for group 4, without group 4, I have nothing. Don has been BS from the get go. So talk to my accountant if I can write off the whole thing, he said it might be possible. Don kept blaming the internet for his demise, but I thing he priced it too low and of course ran out of money. In a way, I call this a Ponzi scheme, got new buyers to pay for labor to manufacture parts and pay salaries and eventually he ran out of new customers. They had to send me main rotor blades 3 times until the final was packed properly and had no damage. That must cost them a pretty penny. Wonder what my Rotorx is worth without group 4, maybe 25K?

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